Things You Don’t Know About Playing Cards (2023)


Playing cards are so common today that we take them for granted. But, have you ever really looked closely at them or wondered what they could mean?Like, who is that suave King that doesn’t have a moustache? Here are 10 Things You Don’t Know About Playing Cards.
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- [Narrator] Playing cards are so common today that we take them for granted.


Have you ever really looked closely at them or wondered what they could mean? Like,? Who is that suave King that doesn't have a mustache? Keep watching to find out,? As we countdown 10 thing, you don't know about playing cards.

- Amazing. - [Narrator], Number, 10, cards inspired many sayings.

Many terms used during card games have been adopted as phrases in general life.


Look at a straightforward example: first, to follow suit., In cards.

This means to play a card, which is of the same suit as the one played prior to it.

In general language.

It refers to a person's actions and therefore it means someone has acted in the same way as another person.

To come up.

Trumps had a more interesting evolution.

It is a variation of a saying, which originated in the 17th century, which was to turn up.


This came from the card game Triumph, where the deck was cut.

To select the trump suit.

If you selected a trump suit that matched your hand.

You were at an advantage.

Therefore, to turn up.

Trumps signified success in the game.

In, the 18th century.

This meaning became figurative and is used in day-to-day life to mean having something lucky occur or be unexpectedly, successful.

Number nine, how the four suits arose.

It is generally agreed that playing cards originated in China in the ninth century before spreading to many other countries.

The four suits style originated in the Middle East, as cups, coins, swords, and sticks.

Italian merchants discovered them in Egypt and imported them to Europe in the mid-1300s.

As cards spread throughout the world.

Each country put their own spin on elements of the cards.

The German and Swiss cards came to feature hearts, bells, acorns, and leaves.

These European designs are thought to be a representation of the four classes of medieval society:.

The church, nobility, middle class, and peasantry.

Hearts are said to represent the Church, and Bells the nobility, while Leaves and Acorns, the middle classes and the peasantry respectively.

The four suits.

We know today came into production in France.

In the 1480s.

Back, then Hearts represented the Church; Diamonds were arrowheads, symbolic of the vassals, from whom the archers and bowmen were drawn;.

Clubs, represented clovers, from shepherds and spades represented knights, as they resembled piques, the points of lances.


Some people believe that playing cards have mystical significance and each suit stands for distinct.


Clubs is said to mean air, words, and neutrality.

Spades signifies fire, strength, willpower, and masculinity.

Diamonds is for the earth, wealth, and matter, while Hearts signifies water, love, imagination and the feminine.

Number eight.

Why there is a joker.

The joker card first appeared in printed card.

Decks in the 1860s.

The card was used as the Best Bower, which was an extra trump card in the new American version of the game.


The name progressed from the Best Bower to the Little Joker and then the Jolly Joker.

English card decks included the Joker just a little later, in the 1880s.


The card didn't always feature the quirky jester that we know him to be today.

The joker card had many different designs, such as floral and architectural emblems.

Most often it featured the card company's logo for brand identity of the deck.

Joker cards are so intriguing that card companies have created entire decks using them.

Because of its uniqueness.

The Joker card has become a sought-after collector's item.

Number seven, why the King of Hearts doesn't have a mustache.


You've ever played close attention to the Kings in your card, deck, you'll have noticed the King of Hearts is unique for a couple of reasons.


Of these reasons is that he's the only King without a mustache.

So, why is that? Unfortunately,? There is no official reason, however, popular belief.


One of the most popular explanations is that his lack of facial hair signifies him to be the purest of the four Kings.

Apparently being clean.

Shaven is an indication of goodness.

What seems to be the most logical reason is not related to the King's, goodness or vanity, but that he originally did have a mustache and it was mistakenly lost through reproduction.

I guess no one ever cared enough to give him his dignity.


Number six, the King of Hearts, is stabbing himself.


Second unique thing about the King of Hearts relates to his weapon.

Until, the 1800s.

His weapon of choice was a battle ax, and yet today he holds a sword.


His sword seems to disappear behind his head.

He has been dubbed the Suicide King, with people believing he intends to run his sword through his own head.

The combination of the King of Hearts hiding a sword behind him, as well as being the only King without a mustache, has also earned him the title of the False King, because there is belief this indicates his devious nature.

It has been debated, whether it's even the King's own hand holding the sword, and this would lead us to a very different conclusion altogether, that he was being stabbed by someone else.

Number five.

Why there are 52 cards in a deck.

It's, the French.

We can thank for there being 52 cards in a standard.


Different countries developed different versions of card decks, which ranged from 24 to 52 cards.

The French version had 52 cards, and this became the most popular worldwide, spreading easily because of French and English colonialism.

52 seemed to be just the right amount, with card players.

Agreeing they could play the best game with this number.

What is very interesting.

Is the relation between a deck of 52 cards and our calendar year.

For? There are 52 weeks in a year after all and the four suits align with our four seasons.

If, you add up the value of all the cards in the deck and add one for the joker, you'll get 365, the number of days in a year.


That's a bit eerie? It's.

Actually just mathematics.

Number four.

The court cards were attributed with personalities of historical figures.

Because the court cards obviously represent positions in social hierarchy.

Over time, people came to attribute historical royal figures to these cards.

The Kings are the most well-known, of course.

The King of Clubs represents a lively and energetic nature which is embodied by Alexander.

The Great, one of the greatest rulers of the ancient world.

The King of Spades represents an authoritative and forceful nature, as well as bravery.

The King of Spades is said to be King David of Israel, biblical and worthy.

The King of Diamonds is noble, distinguished and of a military background, characteristics associated with Julius Caesar.


This King appears in profile, much like Roman Emperors did on coins.

The King of Hearts is said to be friendly and worthy, and is associated with King Charles of the Holy Roman Empire, also called Charlemagne.


He was the only true emperor in this cluster of kings.

Some card manufacturers even went as far as to print the names of these historical figures on their decks.

Number three.

Why is the Ace of Spades? Is different? Ever noticed that the Ace of Spades often has a more ornate design than other aces? This practice originated in Europe in the 16th century, where there was a tax on the manufacturing of playing cards.

During Queen Anne's reign, a stamp was placed on English playing cards after production, but before entering the market to show taxation had been paid.

The Ace of Spades card was designated as the card, which would show taxation had been paid because it had the largest blank space which could be stamped.

In 1765, the Tax Office started printing, their own Ace of Spades cards to help prevent forgery, and it was very ornate in design to make it more difficult to copy.

The Ace of Spades also came to be known as the hanging card because to forge a duty-paid Ace of Spades was punishable by hanging.


The late 19th century, laws were relaxed and card manufacturers could print their own Ace of Spades again.


Many manufacturers chose to keep the more ornate design.

The tax office had used, just in case., Number two, it's possible.

A deck of cards has never been properly shuffled and yielded the same result in all of history.


Be aware that there are many ways to shuffle a deck of cards.


Most common are rifle shuffling, as used in casinos, Hindu shuffles, commonly used in Asia, and the overhand shuffle, which is perhaps the easiest.


Any of these techniques, particularly when followed by a cut of the deck, ensures a proper shuffle has taken place.

This means the cards result in an unpredictable order.

The number of order possibilities in a 52-card deck is approximately the number eight, with an incredible 67 zeros following it.

It's, actually a bit larger than this number.

But this is the easiest way of explaining it.

To, give you some perspective.

Imagine shuffling just 20 cards.

The order possibilities equate to 2.5 billion billion.

No, wonder you can't yield the same shuffle order.

The probability is mind-blowing to comprehend.

Number, one, design, secrets behind Bicycle cards.

The United States Playing Card Company owns Bicycle brand cards, which are the most iconic cards worldwide, originating from the first back design, which featured penny-farthing.

But Bicycle hid some incredible design secrets in their cards in past generations and also manufactured their cards for some notorious purposes.

Bicycle-brand cards were sent to American Prisoners of War in World, War II and the Vietnam War.


These special cards were peeled apart and put in a particular order.

They contained maps to help the Prisoners of War escape.

Bicycle Spotter Decks were also produced at this time, to help American soldiers identify aircraft, tanks and ships belonging to other nations.

In 1966, during the Vietnam War, entire crates of just Ace of Spades cards were sent to Americans soldiers to leave on bodies of dead Viet Cong soldiers.

This had been prompted by two lieutenants writing to the United States Playing Card Company, because it was believed that the Viet Cong were superstitious of them as they were a symbol of death.

Despite it being a myth, it at least improved the morale of American troops.


You know any of these things about playing.

Cards? What surprised you, the most? Let me know in the comments.


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Things You Don’t Know About Playing Cards? ›

Decks of cards actually originated in China in the 9th century. Or at least that's what most scholars agree on. The common belief is that the first printed playing cards originated in China too, in the form of a 32-card domino deck printed on paper, bone and wood.

What are some interesting facts about playing cards? ›

Decks of cards actually originated in China in the 9th century. Or at least that's what most scholars agree on. The common belief is that the first printed playing cards originated in China too, in the form of a 32-card domino deck printed on paper, bone and wood.

What is the hidden message in playing cards? ›

The Secret Symbols Hiding In Every Pack Of Playing Cards
  • Clubs are associated with peasants, laborers and work.
  • Diamonds are connected to merchants and wealth.
  • Hearts are usually compared to the clergy, and the search for happiness and love.
  • Spades are tied to warriors and also nobility.
Jan 3, 2024

What is the basic info about playing cards? ›

A playing card is a piece of specially prepared card stock, heavy paper, thin cardboard, plastic-coated paper, cotton-paper blend, or thin plastic that is marked with distinguishing motifs. Often the front (face) and back of each card has a finish to make handling easier.

What is the most important card in a deck of cards? ›

The Ace of Spades (also known as the Spadille and Death Card) is traditionally the highest and most valued card in the deck of playing cards in English-speaking countries.

What is the oldest playing card ever? ›

The oldest complete deck of playing cards known to the world is called the Cloisters Deck, named for the museum—the Metropolitan Museum of Art's medieval Cloisters location—in which it was identified and dated.

Why are there only 52 cards in a deck? ›

The most common theory is that the 52 cards represent 52 weeks in a year. The four colors represent the four seasons. The 13 cards in a suit represent the thirteen weeks in each season, Four suits times 13 cards in a suite equals 52.

What does the Joker represent in cards? ›

Often, the Joker is a wild card, which allows it to represent other existing cards. The term "Joker's wild" originates from this practice. However, in Zwicker Jokers are higher value, matching and scoring cards while, in one variant, a normal suit card is the only one that is wild.

What does a deck of cards symbolize? ›

The 52 cards are said to represent the 52 weeks in a year. To underline the numerical magic of playing cards, the twelve royals (King, Queen, and Knaves, i.e., Jack), represent the twelve months of the year. Meanwhile, each suit of thirteen cards represents the thirteen weeks in each season.

What does the spade suit represent? ›

Spades. Symbolized by ♠️, the Spades suit is considered the highest-ranking suit in games that give preference to the card suit. Spade symbolizes the winter season, and the symbol represents the water element. The suit symbolizes the acme of old age when humans gain knowledge, transformation, and acceptance.

What are the 4 types of cards? ›

Today's 52-card deck preserves the four original French suits of centuries ago: clubs (♣), diamonds (♦), hearts (♥), and spades (♠).

Why there are 13 cards in a deck? ›

The four suits — hearts, clubs, spades and diamonds — represent the four seasons. Meanwhile, the 13 cards in each suit represent the 13 phases of the lunar cycle.

What are playing cards called? ›

The set is called a pack or deck and is divided into four suits: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades.

What is the lowest card in a deck? ›

THE DECK. There are 52 cards in a deck, divided into four suits of 13 ranks each. The suits are all of equal value - no suit is higher than any other suit. In Poker, the Ace is the highest card and the 2 card (Deuce) is the lowest.

Which is more powerful in cards? ›

The ace of spades is the most powerful card in a deck of playing cards. It symbolizes power, luck, and triumph. Aces are considered to be lucky because they are high up on the list of possible outcomes for rolling dice or drawing from a deck of cards (1/6th chance).

What is a set of cards called? ›

The set of cards is called the pack of cards, deck of cards and it is divided into four suits: Heart, Diamond, Spade and Club.

What was the first card called? ›

The first such cards were called squeezers because they could be squeezed together in a tight fan. In English the initial K for knave would have been indistinguishable from K for king and was therefore replaced with J for jack.

When were playing cards banned? ›

The earliest mention of playing cards in Europe comes from an edict in Bern, Switzerland, in 1367, which banned playing cards. Likewise, a ban on playing cards was enacted in the city of Florence, Italy, in 1377.

Is there a joker in 52 cards? ›

In every deck, there is a standard 52 cards. The Two Jokers are called the “Big Joker” and the “Little Joker” or the “Full-Color Joker” and the “One-Color Joker.” Even though bridge eventually overtook the euchre pack as the most in-demand game, they did not introduce them in other card games.

Do jokers count in the 52 cards? ›

Are Jokers counted as part of the 52 cards that make up a deck of cards? Yes, Jokers are now included in a deck of 52 cards.

What do casinos do with old cards? ›

They sell them in their gift shop, they also give away decks to players if you ask them for them (usually 2 decks at a time). Some of the casinos will also donate used decks to Senior Centers and other worthwhile organizations.

What is the luckiest playing card? ›

The Ace of Spades (also known as the Spadille and Death Card) is traditionally the highest and most valued card in the deck of playing cards in English-speaking countries. The actual value of the card varies from game to game.

What does the 🃏 mean? ›

The 🃏 (joker) emoji conveys a sense of playfulness and mischief.

What is a black joker? ›

The playing card black joker emoji, 🃏, depicts the joker card found in many popular card games. Quite often, the emoji is used to convey a sense of evil, creepiness, or mischief.

Who do the 4 queens represent in a deck of cards? ›

The names of the queens -- Judith or Judic (hearts), Pallas (spades), Rachel (diamonds), and Argine (clubs) -- have been a continual object of speculation, as the real-life personages they represent are not so easily identified.

Why does diamond king have one eye? ›

It represents Odin, the King of Asgard. He sacrificed one of his eyes in exchange for secret wisdom of magic. That is why The King of Diamonds is shown on nearly all decks of cards offering the diamond symbol with one eye facing away because it was sacrificed to receive the kind of power only found in mythology.

Who do the face cards represent? ›

If you have ever seen a standard deck of 52 cards, you might have noticed a few cards with faces on them. These faces depict kings, queens and jacks.

What does black spade mean? ›

The most common is that it represents good luck. This is because the spade is the ace of clubs in a deck of playing cards, and the ace is considered to be the highest-ranking card. As such, many people believe that a black spade tattoo will bring them good fortune in all aspects of their lives.

What is the hidden meaning of ace of spades? ›

The Ace of Spades symbolizes many different fearful ideas or experiences depending on the context. In numerous cultures, its dark color (or lack thereof) associates it with imminent death, bad fortune, disaster, hatred, war, and even the end of the world.

What does the skull in ace of spades mean? ›

About the skull and colors

The emblem and logo of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association® are in the shape of The Skull and ace of spade represents the death that war leaves in its wake. surrounded by the following colors: (TM) Red:Representing the blood that has been shed on the battlefield.

What number is J in cards? ›

As with a majority of card games, their values are J=11, Q=12, K=13 and A=14.

Who invented cards? ›

PLAYING cards were invented by the Chinese before AD1000. They reached Europe around 1360, not directly from China but from the Mameluke empire of Egypt. The history of suitmarks demonstrates a fascinating interplay between words, shapes and concepts.

What are the ranks of playing cards? ›

(a) The rank of the cards used in all types of poker other than low poker, for the determination of winning hands, in order of highest to lowest rank, shall be: ace, king, queen, jack, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three and two. All suits shall be considered equal in rank.

Why is child 13 a rare card? ›

After being sacrificed 13 times, Child 13 becomes the Hungry Child, a card featured in the precursor to Inscryption, Sacrifices Must Be Made. It serves no gameplay purpose beyond being an easter egg, as sacrificing this card 13 times is very hard to pull off without intentional setup.

Why is there no 1 card in a deck? ›

Because one is called the Ace. According to Wikipedia, the word Ace is derived from the Old French word “as” meaning unit.

Do all the cards add up to 365? ›

There are 52 cards in a full pack of playing cards (excluding jokers) – There are 52 weeks in a year. Finally, the sum of the values of the 52 cards (Ace = 1, King = 13, Queen = 12, Jack = 11) and 1 Joker is 365. The same as the amount of days per calendar year.

What does J mean in cards? ›

In playing cards: Indices. … therefore replaced with J for jack. Originally this was the name applied to the knave of trump in the old game of all fours, which had already achieved wide popularity in preference to the archaic-sounding knave in other games.

What is a good card player called? ›

A card sharp (also cardsharp, card shark or cardshark, sometimes hyphenated) is a person who uses skill and/or deception to win at poker or other card games. "Sharp" and "shark" spellings have varied over time and by region.

What is card throwing called? ›

First popularized in the West among stage magicians during the 1800s, the art of throwing cards is called scaling.

What is the 1 rarest card in the world? ›

The title of 'world's rarest trading card' is split between two quite distinct cards: the 1996 World Champion and the Shichifukujin Dragon. Only one specimen of each card exists anywhere in the world.

What is the highest card grade? ›

Numeric Grades
  • Perfect 10. A Perfect 10 is a card that has received the grade of Pristine 10 with all four sub-grades being 10. ...
  • Pristine 10. A Pristine 10 card must have perfect centering and no evidence of any manufacturing or handling defects. ...
  • Gem Mint 9.5. ...
  • Mint 9. ...
  • NM/Mint+ 8.5. ...
  • NM/Mint 8. ...
  • NM+ 7.5. ...
  • NM 7.
More items...

What is the rarest card sold? ›

The current record price is the US$12.6 million paid for a 1952 Mickey Mantle baseball card (Topps; #311) on August 28, 2022, breaking all previous records.

What is the king of card decks? ›

The king is a playing card with a picture of a king displayed on it. The king is usually the highest-ranking face card. In the French version of playing cards and tarot decks, the king immediately outranks the queen. In Italian and Spanish playing cards, the king immediately outranks the knight.

Who goes first in cards? ›

The rules of the game will specify the details of the deal. It normally starts with the players next to the dealer in the direction of play (left in a clockwise game; right in an anticlockwise one), and continues in the same direction around the table. The cards may be dealt one at a time, or in groups.

Why is the card game 45 called 45? ›

Traditional Forty Fives goes to a score of 45 points, hence the name of the game.

What card is higher than Joker? ›

Rank of Cards

Joker, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.

Why does ace beat king? ›

In most Western card games, the numeral 1 is designated ace and marked A accordingly. In games based on the superiority of one rank over another, such as most trick-taking games, the ace counts highest, outranking even the king.

Which color card is highest? ›

Alternating colours: diamonds (lowest), followed by clubs, hearts, and spades (highest).

Who invented playing cards? ›

PLAYING cards were invented by the Chinese before AD1000. They reached Europe around 1360, not directly from China but from the Mameluke empire of Egypt. The history of suitmarks demonstrates a fascinating interplay between words, shapes and concepts.

What does the Ace of Spades symbolize? ›

What's the Meaning of the Ace of Spades, or the Death Card? The Ace of Spades symbolizes many different fearful ideas or experiences depending on the context. In numerous cultures, its dark color (or lack thereof) associates it with imminent death, bad fortune, disaster, hatred, war, and even the end of the world.

What does the queen of spades represent? ›

In cartomancy, the queen of spades is considered to be a sign of intelligence. It is representative of judgment that is practical, logical, and intellectual. It represents a woman who is creative and makes her plans ahead of time.

What are the 4 symbols of deck? ›

Today's 52-card deck preserves the four original French suits of centuries ago: clubs (♣), diamonds (♦), hearts (♥), and spades (♠). These graphic symbols, or “pips,” bear little resemblance to the items they represent, but they were much easier to copy than more lavish motifs.

Why is there a joker in a card deck? ›

Jokers were added to the deck around the 1860s—long after card decks became common—to capitalize on the popularity of a game called euchre, from the Alsatian game juckerspiel.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

Last Updated: 20/10/2023

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.